Set S.M.A.R.T Goals To Achieve Results

We all want to "lift more", right? We want to be "better than yesterday". We want to "lose weight" or "get fit". But what plan do you have of making that a reality?

S.M.A.R.T. Goals:

Specific - set a specific goal - choose something more specific than "I will lift more" squatting a certain weight

Measurable - make sure your goal has a number, time or some other value that you can use to determine success

Achievable - set achievable goals because you will work towards them. "I will double my combined total in weightlifting might be achievable if you are just beginning... It is no use saying "I will double my combined total in weightlifting in the next 6 weeks" - that is not...

Realistic - related to achievable, being realistic is understanding what can and can't be achieved in the timeframe you have set. What's wrong with setting easily achieved goals anyway? It just means you have lots more success...and success breeds success!

Time-Based - you have to set a time limit for your goal. This is where short, medium and long term goal setting comes in. You can plan your goals based on the time frames you have available to you.

Map out your goals:

I like to choose my long term goals first. I am naturally a dreamer. Then, start to break down your goals into smaller chunks so you have a plan to get to the long term goal...e.g. Olympics, but first Commonwealth Games. Before that, a podium in the national championships...but before that, hitting the qualifying time/weight. Before that adding 1kg per week to my lifts for the next 6 weeks to get me within striking distance of qualifying.

Let us know in the comments below what some of your goal setting hints are...share it with everyone!

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