Thoughts from the CrossFit Base – Bulletproof Your Shoulders Seminar

A big thank you to Kylie Lindbeck for hosting another seminar at CrossFit Base.

This seminar was on the shoulders and how to mobilise, stretch, stabilize and strengthen the shoulder. We had a small but fun group and got to investigate how to use your shoulders properly with any exercise you have to do.

The 4 key principles for "bulletproof" shoulders simple enough...

  • Whole-Body Posture
  • Set the scapula to point the socket to the load
  • Centre the humeral head
  • Dissociate the humerus from the scapula

...but it is surprising that these principles are not utilized by the participant's therapists.

The key reason why you should come to the seminars is to see and feel how these principles are put into practice...the magic happens when you find the way into system and make big changes. How do I know it works? Results...plain and simple.

Thank you again Kylie. You have a great CrossFit Box with a friendly atmosphere. Watching you coach was a pleasure and your humbleness is inspiring. If you are in Canberra visiting or want to try CrossFit, you have to put CrossFit Base on your "to try" list 🙂

1 Response

  1. Renato

    I deslocate my shoulders to the front, what exercises do u recommend and witch i should avoid in crossfit???, i love ur emails guys , ur awesome!!!
    Obs: can u please try to make a video about the shoulders????

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