Ep 2 of The Physio Detective Podcast – Lori Forner (Continence and Womens Health Physio) and Antony Lo discuss the pelvic floor

The thoughtful physio...Lori Forner

The thoughtful physio...Lori Forner

Last weekend, I had the opportunity to present the "Bulletproof" Your Girls seminar to athletes and coaches at CrossFit Cuties. Many thanks to Sim Irvine, the owner of CrossFit Cuties for hosting us. During the presentation, I introduced the holistic philosophy that Lori and I both utilize, Lori then presented on the pelvic floor, its functions, stress urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain from an overactive pelvic floor. During the presentation, there was about 30mins of questions, which was fantastic...Lori is very professional, approachable and made things easy to understand. After her presentation, I presented the practical side of things - how the core works together, how to do "core" contractions properly and then how to transfer those things to skipping, box jumps, running, and lifting. We even had one lady do a PB (personal best) on her power clean using our techniques! Of course, things have to end and we could have easily spent another 2 hours going over exercises so we may make it a 6hr seminar next time!

In this podcast, Lori shares her experiences having treated CrossFit athletes in the past as well as hearing my presentation.

The Podcast - Click here to hear it!

2014-11-15 10.41.24We believe this information is extremely important. Given that it costs billions of dollars each year, there is much that can be done for incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic pain. Since this affects so many women, we want to make sure that ANYONE can attend and cost NOT be an issue. We hope to produce and develop videos of these seminars to sell with all proceeds going towards supporting the seminars educating ALL athletes and coaches on the pelvic floor. Attendance to these seminars is by donation so we would really appreciate any support we can get to help spread this information around Australia.

If you would like to donate to this mission, please go to www.gofundme.com/BYBPelvicFloor




2014-11-15 10.18.07Keep an eye on www.physiodetective.com/courses for upcoming courses - all future courses are being planned NOW so if you want one in your location, please contact us here or at the courses page indicating your interest. The limiting factor for us is cost. The future sales of products, the training up of presenters and the subsidization by running other courses alongside the BYB Pelvic Floor course all helps. Thanks!

The Podcast - Click here to hear it!

2 Responses

  1. Thank you. If you have a chance to write more about the squeeze and lift? I was able to catch most of the podcast, but not all, sound wise. The coffeehouse atmosphere makes for a relaxed, friendly vibe to the talk though.

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